The Great Role of Ventilator Parameters in Diagnosis of Right Main Bronchus Rupture Due to Blunt Chest Trauma

Ramin Tajvidi; Golnar Sabetian; hossein abdolrahimzadeh fard

Volume 12, Issue 3 , July 2024, , Pages 142-145

  Bronchial rupture following major blunt chest trauma should be suspected in any case of massive and persistentair leak through the intercostal drain tube. Chest radiographs and chest computed tomography scans (CT scans)are highly suggestive of this extremely rare tracheobronchial injury. The present ...  Read More

Short-term Outcome of Early Tracheostomy in the Trauma Patients Admitted to Intensive Care Unit: A Comparative Study

Bijan Ziaeian; Sedigheh Tahmasebi; Hadi Niakan; Afsoun Fazelzadeh

Volume 1, Issue 3 , July 2013, , Pages 112-115

  Objectives: To compare the results of early versus late tracheostomy in trauma patients admitted to intensive care unit (ICU).Methods: This was case control study being performed at a major trauma centre in Shiraz, Iran including 120 trauma patients admitted to ICU during a 2-year period and underwent ...  Read More