Document Type : Letter to the Editor


Trauma Research Center, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran



We are writing to express my appreciation for the insightful article on pain management in trauma patients and its critical role in improving patient outcomes. The current protocol utilizing acetaminophen and opiate agents has proven to be significantly effective. However, Recent studies have indicated that the combination of acetaminophen and NSAIDs can provide superior analgesic effects compared to either agent alone, potentially surpassing the effect of opioids The current protocol utilizing acetaminophen and opiate agents has proven to be significantly effective. However, Recent studies have indicated that the combination of acetaminophen and NSAIDs can provide superior analgesic effects compared to either agent alone, potentially surpassing the effect of opioids. Integrating NSAIDs into the pain management protocol could offer several benefits, including enhanced Pain Relief (3) and Reduced Opioid Consumption. we believe that incorporating acetaminophen plus NSAIDs into the existing pain management algorithm could be a valuable step towards optimizing care for trauma patients. Enclosed is a revised proposed algorithm based on your previously published protocol for the management of acute pain in trauma patients.


Dear Editor


We are writing to express our appreciation for the insightful article on pain management in trauma patients and its critical role in improving patient outcomes [1]. The current protocol, which includes acetaminophen and opiate agents, has proven to be remarkably effective. However, recent studies have indicated that the analgesic effects of acetaminophen and NSAIDs together might be more effective than those of either agent alone, potentially surpassing the effect of opioids [2].

Integrating NSAIDs into the pain management protocols could provide several benefits, including enhanced pain relief [3] and reduced opioid consumption [4]. This, in turn, could reduce the risk of chronic pain, minimize the probability of opioid dependency, and enhance overall patient satisfaction.

While recognizing the challenges associated with implementing new protocols, we believe that incorporating acetaminophen plus NSAIDs into the existing pain management algorithm could be a valuable step toward optimizing care for trauma patients. Figure 1 shows a revised proposed algorithm based on your previously published protocol for managing acute pain in trauma patients.


Fig. 1. The updated protocol of pain management in adult trauma patients with three or more unilateral rib fractures and GCS>13




Ethics approval and consent to participate: Not applicable.


Consent for publication: All authors have read and given their consent for publication of this manuscript.


Conflict of interest: The authors declared that they had no conflict of interest.


Funding: No funding.


Authors’ Contribution: AHS, MA, MK, and SP designed and coordinated the study. AHS and MK drafted the manuscript. AHS, MA, MK, and SP critically reviewed the manuscript. All authors have read and approved the manuscript.


Acknowledgment: Not applicable.

  1. Paydar S, Farhadi P, Ghaffarpasand F, Taheri A, Farbood A, Dabiri G, et al. Acute trauma pain control algorithm. Bulletin of emergency and trauma. 2014;2(4):170-1.
  2. Klugh JM, Harvin JA. Acute Pain Management after Trauma: What You Need to Know. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. 2023:10.1097.
  3. Derry CJ, Derry S, Moore RA. Single dose oral ibuprofen plus paracetamol (acetaminophen) for acute postoperative pain. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2013;2013(6):Cd010210.
  4. Pergolizzi JV, Magnusson P, LeQuang JA, Breve F, Taylor R, Wollmuth C, et al. Can NSAIDs and Acetaminophen Effectively Replace Opioid Treatment Options for Acute Pain? Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2021;22(9):1119-26.