Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Health Economics, Faculty of Medicine, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran

2 Research Center for Emergency and Disaster Resilience, Red Crescent Society of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Tehran, Iran.



Introduction: Injuries caused by trauma are the main cause of death and disability in the active population and have destructive economic, health and social effects for countries. The present study was conducted with the aim estimating the economic burden of injuries in Iran.
Materials and Methods: In this study, the prevalence-based approach was used to estimate the economic burden of trauma. Prevalence was estimated based on available statistics in Iran and the GBD website. Direct medical costs were calculated using a top-down approach. The cost of lost production due to injuries and the cost of lost production due to premature death were also estimated based on the value of DALY. Microsoft Excel 2013 and Stata13 software were used for analysis.
Results: The total prevalence of injuries in one year in Iran is estimated to be around 16 million and 500 thousand people. The average direct medical cost of each trauma patient was about $226. 39% of the economic burden of trauma was related to fractures. The total economic burden of trauma in Iran is estimated at $10,214,403,423. About 66% of the total economic burden of trauma was related to lost productivity due to trauma and premature death due to trauma, and 34% of costs were related to direct medical costs.
Conclusion: the economic burden of trauma in Iran will increase significantly in the coming years. Increased awareness of Mortality and disability by injuries, development of more effective therapies, and expansion of evidence-based interventions may be warranted to reduce the economic burden of injuries.
