Hassan Reza Mohammadi; Ali Erfani; Aminollah Vasigh; Hosein Karimiyarandi; Sohrab Sadeghi
Volume 12, Issue 4 , October 2024, , Pages 162-167
Objectives: Laminectomy is one of the most prevalent back surgeries. Considering the importance of controlling and minimizing surgical complications, this study was conducted to determine the effect of Sevoflurane and Propofol on the state of renal complications in patients undergoing laminectomy surgery.Methods: ...
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Objectives: Laminectomy is one of the most prevalent back surgeries. Considering the importance of controlling and minimizing surgical complications, this study was conducted to determine the effect of Sevoflurane and Propofol on the state of renal complications in patients undergoing laminectomy surgery.Methods: This clinical trial was conducted in Ilam (Iran). The study used a double-blind random sampling procedure, and the patients were divided into three groups receiving Sevoflurane (n=25), Propofol (n=25), and the combination of Sevoflurane and Propofol (n=25). The research tool included a checklist of demographic characteristics as well as a clinical examination. Kidney complications were diagnosed based on history, clinical examinations, and laboratory test results. The obtained data were analyzed using SPSS software.Results: In this study, the patient’s mean age in the Propofol group was 52.4±5.6, the Sevoflurane group was 50.8±2.5, and Sevoflurane plus Propofol group was 53.5±3.4. The Sevoflurane plus Propofol group had the highest rate of urinary retention (n=7, 28%). In addition, there was no difference between laboratory results of creatinine and urinary retention in the studied groups (P>0.05). Besides, the comparison of the mean of renal laboratory indicators in the research patients indicated that the level of serum creatinine, and cystatin C of the patients had no significant change.Conclusion: There was no significant difference between the complications in the three groups. Therefore, all three drugs can be administered to patients.
Hassanreza Mohammadi; ali Erfani; Sohrab Sadeghi; khalil komlakh; masoumeh otaghi
Volume 12, Issue 3 , July 2024
Objectives: This study was conducted to investigate the factors affecting mortality due to spinal cord traumain patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU).Methods: This study was conducted in a group of patients who were admitted to the ICU with a TraumaticSpinal Injuries (TSI) diagnosis. The ...
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Objectives: This study was conducted to investigate the factors affecting mortality due to spinal cord traumain patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU).Methods: This study was conducted in a group of patients who were admitted to the ICU with a TraumaticSpinal Injuries (TSI) diagnosis. The researcher started sampling by assessing the documents of the patientshospitalized in the ICU, and the diagnosis of TSI was confirmed for them. Besides, utilizing a researcher-madechecklist, factors affecting the mortality of patients were identified. The data were analyzed using the SPSSsoftware version 16. P<0.05 was considered statistically significant.Results: About 412 (64.2%) patients were men, about 213 (33.2%) of the patients had GCS between 3-8 grade.There were injuries in the pelvis area. Moreover, there was a significant relationship between GCS score statusand the number of injury follow-ups in addition to TSI. Therefore, the mortality rate was higher in patients whohad lower GCS (Odds ratio=2.32, p<0.001). There was also a significant relationship between the number ofinjuries and the mortality rate, and patients who had multiple traumas had a higher mortality rate. Besides, asignificant relationship was observed between the complications caused by trauma, including cerebrovascularaccident, cardiac arrest, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), pneumonia, and the mortality of patientshospitalized in the SICU (p<0.05)Conclusion: The patients’ mortality was influenced by factors such as their level of consciousness, the numberof traumas caused in the spinal cord, and the occurrence of comorbidities such as cerebrovascular accident,cardiac arrest, ARDS, and pneumonia. Therefore, it is necessary to take the essential measures to reduce thesecomplications.